Wonder and joy,
Noah and Katie
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Wonder and joy, Noah and Katie
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Sorry we haven't been posting regularly on here. But check out the above update. Merry Christmas!
If you'd like to receive more regular updates, we sent them out via email. Sign up here for those updates. Hey friends, check out this quick update from the Dells Summer Training Program! Is there something wrong with me that I don't mind this season of hibernation? Last year I was flat on my back during it and so the dark evenings and "stuck in the home" feeling wasn't so bad. I couldn't drive and if I did, I didn't have the energy to get the kids in and out of the car any more than absolutely necessary. So hibernation was good. But this year, I thought I would really dread the winter. So cold, so many mittens and hats and coats involved in every outing. Dark cold LONG nights. Ugh. But to be honest, I liked it. I like being "cooped up" at home in the evenings- the girls thing its reasonable to be in PJs at 6:30 and we read a lot of books together. A LOT of books. I really enjoyed hibernating. And I honestly wasn't too eager to come out of hibernation.
But this week happened- and as well all know- you look around and everyone is cheerful .The sun is shining. We are in awe we don't need coats. The time changed. It's light way into the evening. The snow has melted SO rapidly (Sunday on our walk we had to simply pass by the park as it was COVERED in snow). In fact we had to carry the girls and their strollers half the way as the sidewalks had deep snow. And now today we are playing as if the snow has been gone for months (even though there is still snow lingering in many corners of the neighborhood). The neighbor kids are playing, the doorbell is ringing more often, the lawn chairs have come out, the strollers (all four of them) are out. And we can hardly remember that last week we were hibernating. And it has yet again confirmed- I really really love all four seasons. I enjoyed the winter, but I enjoy Spring all the more because of winter. If it was 40 degrees and sunny all year long I don't think we would all be grilling and throwing porch parties ;-) So it has been a good week. A year ago Josie couldn't walk (hard to believe!) and so getting out wasn't near as fun. Let's be honest, I couldn't walk long either. So this spring has an extra new newness to it. In fact, I even let the girls walk yesterday in rain boots and splash in puddles (Usually they are wearing tennis shoes as Ellie has to wear her braces all the time and so I'm busily deterring them from messes, mud and puddles.) But Josie was pushing her Baby Stella- and for the first time discovered a puddle. It was the best- to watch her stomp her foot and then see how it splashed. Every stomp she paused and said "woah". As if she couldn't believe what she saw- so she had to do it again. Then today we went to the Madison Children's Museum- and I watched the girls and their cousins explore, learn, create to their hearts content. I feel like I've come not only out of hibernation of winter, or a long 18 months of having to say NO to so much in an attempt to stay within the limitations of MS in my life, but honestly I feel like I'm coming out of almost 4 years of parenting in which I've felt like I'm in survival mode. First it was Ellie being born- the best thing in the world, but being a new mom is not for the faint of heart. Just when I thought we were getting things under control and I could go out and about without a lot of trouble- baby Ellie in tow- we found out we were having another little baby. Ms Ellie was only 11 months old, and so began life while pregnant, with a little one. Many say chasing a toddler while pregnant is the hardest- I may have to disagree and say- caring for a non- mover is quite hard too. She would fuss for every toy she couldn't reach (meaning I had to get it for her) she couldn't stand on her own til I was 7 months pregnant- so i was carrying her CONSTANTLY - in and out of stores and the car and the house and everywhere we went. Her + My pregnancy weight = I was carrying an additional 60+ lbs! Then we had a baby- which included an emergency c- section, the start of life in the NICU, and a baby that spit up more than you can imagine. Oh, and a very newly walking 1 1/2 year old. Just when we got settled, we moved to Whitewater. {That's a whole post in and of itself- packing your life and moving to a new state with a 2 year old and a 7 month old } TIRING! Another season of survival mode. And after buying and moving into our beautiful new home... just 4 months later I was diagnosed with MS. And was flat on my back requiring a LOT of help for a long time. So I truly feel like I'm coming out of hibernation in so many ways. For some of the first times in parenting I feel like I'm not just surviving- but really I have some margin. And some mental space. And I feel like myself, and that is wonderful. :-) All that to say, I'm looking around my life with a new joy, a new appreciation and a new wonder for the day to day life - we are overflowing with blessings and we are grateful. I'm not at Stay at Home Mom. I'm not a Working Mom. I'm a stay at home mom, who works for The Navigators. But I don't have childcare. I don't have regular hours. And my work revolves around the schedule of college students. I stay home most of the time (except for when I'm on campus) and I have people in my home a LOT of the time. So what does this mean? How does it work? I was prepared that it would feel weird to be in this place. I talked with many Navs Moms who went before me and said you don't feel like you fit in either camp. You don't relate with SAHM and you don't relate with working moms (because you do almost all your work with your kiddos). You're raising babies on a college student schedule. You don't have day care. You have a lot of work. You don't stay at home but you also don't leave your home (but you have a lot of people IN your home). And you bring your toddlers to campus - It is weird! This last week seems to be a good example of what my life looks like. On Fridays, I've been hiring a student to babysit my kiddos so I can go meet and train our staff woman, and another student. Then I get home at lunch time, tuck my kids in for naps and meet with the student who just finished babysitting my kiddos. What a day! This last Friday it was Krista (the student who babysits) birthday and I didn't think it was fair to have her babysit on her birthday. So instead- I took my girls with to bring her and a few Navs friends out for breakfast. It seems simple enough. But let me share how this works and some details.. Breakfast for a 2 and 3 year old falls at quite a different time than the average student who has no class on Fridays. By the time I had cut my kids pancakes, put on syrup and butter, gotten their juice and straws ready, unwrapped silverware, given napkins and looked at my plate. The students were over half way done with their breakfast. And when you take your kids to the bathroom quick before bringing the students home- and find yourself in a stall with two toddlers, poop, and no toilet paper left- let's just say it gets interesting. So there's one morning in my campus/home life. Then there is Staff Meeting. I invited our staff for lunch this week as a way to catch up with them (it's easier to catch up while your kids are eating, amen?) before our meeting. Hoping that would help us all to feel connected before getting down to business. So I have normal morning with kids, do a craft (where glue explodes ALL over our clean dining room) I play store with kids. I pick up house. I make lunch, I get table ready, staff shows up, we eat, staff goes downstairs for staff meeting, I clean up, I put kids down for naps, I take a minute to like go to the bathroom and look in the mirror (cleaning up the glue that exploded at morning craft time) and casually walk down to staff meeting as if all I have thought about all day is our staff meeting agenda... or not. Did I tell you I can only stay at the meeting for a few minutes because I need to take a nap? And I need to get ready to watch our neighbor kids who come to our house after school. Yeah I'm not a SAHM, I'm not a working mom, I have no childcare. But I have kids. I work. And I stay home almost all of the time (inviting others in to our home most of the time). And then yesterday- our Navs Banquet. I invited a student to help Ellie, Josie and I make trifles. I figured if there were two adults and two kids, we might actually accomplish something? So we bake, we make a big mess. Student is very helpful. But then she goes home, I clean up kitchen, feed children lunch, clean up kitchen some more. We all nap. I watch neighbor kids after school, I finish trifles. I send neighbor kids home. I send Noah with kids to pick up babysitter so I can have approximately 7 minutes to dress up, do my hair, put on makeup and pretend I can go "hang out" with college students at a fancy banquet. I print outlines. I grab nametags. I write instructions for babysitter. I set out PJ's and supper. I set out clothes for Noah so he can run upstairs and change so we can go pick up students on our way to the banquet. And when I get there I sit next to someone who tells me, "This was stressful getting ready for the banquet. I tried on so many outfits, I couldn't figure out what to wear. I think I went through NINE outfits." Yes, yes stressful to get ready for this banquet (Good thing my shoes are matched and I took off that shirt that was covered in glue, oh that was yesterday. I mean covered in trifle.) I am not a SAHM, I'm not a working mom. I have no childcare, but I have kids and I work, and I stay home most of the time- except for when I'm on campus with the college students, and often my toddlers. And when we don't get to bed until midnight, you know what? My husband is gracious enough to let me sleep in a bit- so he takes my 3 year old to campus with him this morning at 7:30 am to put up signs and prepare a room for National Collegiate Day of Prayer (which is today!) He calls it a "campus date" and my 3 year old is THRILLED to get this time with her daddy. Because her daddy spends lots of time on campus, has to schedule his life around college students, stays up late speaking at NN and taking home babysitters. And cleaning up trifle bowls. And still gets up the wee hours of the morning to get ready for work, to read the Word, to care for our girls, and to help this mama. Who isn't a SAHM, but isn't a working mom, who has no childcare, and who LOVEs ministering to college students. Even though it's messy, and at times very inconvenient, and definitely tiring. But so so worth it. So would you take a minute to pray for us and for our students and for our work on campus? Today is the National Collegiate Day of Prayer- and we are realizing more and more each day how much we are relying on HIM who gets it- who gets us- who knows just what we need. He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength as our labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials He multiplies peace. When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources Our Father’s full giving is only begun. --Annie Johnston Flint [Ok, so the Nat'l Collegiate Day of Prayer was yesterday, and we didn't get this post up til today. I am not a SAHM.... well, you get the picture :) ]
If you are reading this to read about our ministry, or what God is teaching us or shaping us as parents, just move on from this post. It's one of my most trivial posts ever... but leads to my best birthday gift.. ever!
Well, I've always had a special bond with curly-haired friends, because they just GET IT! But I feel like I've had quite the hair journey... At age 12 my parents had just bought a beautiful newer home and our family was, well, living on a VERY tight budget. We were pinching pennies everywhere. And so my mom decided to cut our hair rather than taking us to the cheapo salon we had gone to. <<< BAD IDEA>>> When you're already at the awkward stage of life, don't really have the money to do things your peers are doing (or wear anything remotely fashionable) just give your kid a decent hair cut ;) But for real, my poor mom felt awful and learned then and there how DIFFERENT curly hair is. Enter the years of triangle hair, frizz, not knowing how to care for my hair, etc. And I started straightening it. And when I say straightening I mean washing at night, blow drying for a LONG time, sleeping on it, getting up and straightening it with a flat iron for A LONG time. My hair was not meant to be straight. It was a lot of work. I have a vivid memory of spending over an hour straightening it--- before going on a youth group trip to ... THE LAKE! I was crazy and had no idea how to care for my hair. Even my mom realized what a problem we had that she started paying to get my hair chemically relaxed (like what African American's do with their super textured hair). My hair was high maintenance I guess! So I had straight hair for a few years, and then got to high school, and my frizz had lessened a bit and I started just wearing it curly and being like any busy high schooler- just wash and go. And that brings me to college- where I washed my hair EVERY SINGLE DAY! I remember living in the dorms and getting up at 6 am to go for pre-student teaching and dunking my hair in the nasty sink just to get it wet so I could go with "curly" hair... And it was fine. But looking back, I needed some help! And that brings me to Champaign- where my dear friend introduced me to Deva Curl- a method of cutting and caring for curly hair that has rocked my world. I got a book- "Curly Girl" and started LOVING my curls. I went from saying I would NEVER buy expensive shampoo... to buying expensive shampoo, conditioner and gel! (AHH!) It's a major splurge- but trust me, a priority I budget for and so worth it! And then I found myself paying for REAL haircuts! But when your grandma even says, "YOu need to keep going to that salon- your hair just looks so nice" you listen, and keep going. {I miss this salon sooo much and my stylist takes MONTHS to book with, so I long for the day to get back to my favorite stylist in Champaign.. someday!) But anyway.. This leads me to my birthday... and how I can't believe I asked for (and got) the best birthday gift ever.... a hair dryer. Like the one you sit under at the salon. It seems insane, but in thinking about it I realized I had lived 15 years of my life with WET HAIR all of the time!!! It takes 6-8 hours to dry and I wash it every day... so that means LOTS OF WET HAIR!!! I feel like it's a day at the spa every time I wash my hair and care for my curls and sit under my hair dryer while reading my Bible and dry my hair! And I only have to wash my hair every other day or even less. And I finally have found a way to care for these curls God gave me so many years ago... just in time to start teaching my kiddos how to be curly girls :-) So if you're out there with curly hair that you are keeping hidden, don't do that! Put away the straightener and let me introduce you to DEVA CURL! I have gotten SO many friends on board - I don't know if I should ffee bad (since it's expensive) or ask for a commission (since they LOVE their curls finally!) All I can say is, it's AWESOME to be a curly girl :) Hey friends, We're in the thick of the semester and exciting things are happening. This evening, we'll be hosting the Nav Men at our house for our weekly Discipleship Group (small group Bible study). Katie provides the treats and snacks, and the guys love it! This semester we're examining the book of 1 Peter, using a study I put together. You can check it out below if you'd like to see what we're doing or join us in the studying the book yourself. I'd be happy to send you a copy! Last week, we discussed study #1, an overview of the book. Part of this involved giving the book our own title. One student, who has just become a Christian in recent months titled it: "Suffering: God's gift to us." Wow! Profound insight from a new believer! Paul taught this in Philippians 1:27-30 (ESV)... 27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God.29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, 30 engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have. This young man is learning first-hand in his life that following Jesus will entail suffering. But back in 1 Peter, he's anticipating a message of hope in the midst of suffering as well. And that gives him the courage to move forward! Please pray for our men (and women!): that they'll dive wholeheartedly into this study (despite the many distractions they face). We're anxious to see the Lord transform them as they study and apply His word! Thanks for praying! -Noah
In case you missed it on the way in, click below to view Noah's review of 2013-14...and our first eighteen months at UW-Whitewater! I'm so behind I'm not sure that I'll ever catch up on this blog... but it's a new year, and time for a new start. Here's a snapshot of our life :-) We enjoyed wonderful Christmas celebrations at both of our parents! We let ourself take some real time off- knowing the months ahead are going to be extra crazy {On top of regional meetings and laborers conference we are taking students to Florida over Spring Break and then headed to WI Dells for 10 weeks on May 15 to staff a sumnmer training program!} Noah and I are trying to play a game of cribbage a day to make sure we take time to relax :) It's working! We were blessed to see all of our siblings, spouses, neices, and nephews! Including our newest nephew, Baby Luke :) It was a great family time- lots of good food, lots of laughs, lots of games, and even snow in Rice Lake :) This weekend we headed to Cedar Grover for our first UWW Navs wedding! Macy and Matt had a great day- and I feel like our girls are finally old enough to enjoy a wedding! They have been to SO MANY WEDDINGS in their short lives- but this might be the first they really were able to appreciate more fully. They had a blast dancing with our students, eating cake, and taking photo booth pictures. It was a good time! This is our last week of gearing up for the semester- staff meetings, lots of prep for Noah!!, and getting all details/schedules worked out for the coming months... whew! A week from tomorrow we will host our 2nd annual "Snowcia"- snow fun + soup= our welcome back social. I'm finding that as the kids get older it takes more and more work/energy/time/planning/creativity to be a MOM to them. They have more needs, and more diverse needs. And more plentiful needs. And more urgent needs. I'm guessing those with more kiddos older than mine would say, this only inreases in the future :) I'm wrestling through what my role is on campus and how to stay involved when I don't feel like I have a lot to give! I'm doing well- but my health continues to limit my capacity and require more sleep than I could possibly think necessary to function :) SO I'm finding the best thing I can do is to manage my life, stress, sleep, ets as well as possible so that Noah is free to do what he needs to do. When I overcommit, or under rest then I am not able to keep up with the day to day life... and that isn't helping anyone! So we are doing well, taking one day at a time, seeking the Lord, hosting as much as we can, and enjoying our girls. I feel like we have moved over to KID stage- we no longer have babies. They are both toilet trained, super verbal, very helpful, (and a bit demanding at times ;-) and they both have lots of ideas! Ellie is getting into drawing and has learned to write her name, she would say her best Christmas gift was her new pretend toaster, and she has so many ideas for Josie- tonight she picked out 5 thigns she wants to wrap for Josie to open up in the car when we go to Champaign :-) She's too much fun right now and I feel like when I talk to her I'm not talking to a 3 year old. Our converstion today in the hotel. Ellie: Do they have cups for us at breakfst (after noting that we had used up our cups in our room) Me: Yes, they should Ellie: Oh yeah that's right, at hotels they give you cups for your breakfast. Like last time. Me: When was the last time you had breakfast in a hotel (I truly couldnt' recall?) Ellie: WIth Grandma Lu and Bompa, Laura and Paul, Matt and Julia. But that time they didn't have a breakfast like in the hotel it was just in Grandma Lu and Bompas room. Thats where they had all the food. And they shared a room with Claire and Rachel and Laura and Paul. And we had our own room with Matt and Julia. And Laura and Paul brought their fish. And they had a lot of food in their room. And cups. ... Okay, yeah, she was right :) She is far more of a thinker than I am. She was the only one to notice that Noah shaved his beard (woops!) And the first thing she said when she got a desk for Christmas from Nana and Grandpa was "But how are we going to get this home in our van?" Oh Ellie, she's always thinking things through. Meanwhile Josie is making us laugh all of the time! Uncle Matt discoverd at Christmas that whenever you way her name to her, she laughs. And it's true, its hilarious. She can sing Away in a Manger, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, some different song prayers and the ABC's. Although anytime she sings the ABC's she ends by saying "eeee" "ahhhh" because we sing the ABC's while brushing her teeth and always ask her to say "eeee" and "ahhh" before we finish brushing :-) If you tell her "You're so cute" she will reply by saying, "No I not cute, I Josie Kate" She loves her cousins and her grandpas mmost of all. And if you can't find her, you can bet that she is sitting somewhere just looking at books- lots of books- especially photo books and flipping through every single page over and over. She's still a very good sleeper- taking close to a 3 hour nap most days and going to bed a bit before Ellie and sleeping till a bit after Ellie in the morning. She wants to do everything herself! And it feels like forever ago that she was using diapers- she loves to tell you " I am 2 and Ellie 3" Anytime she hears anyone say the word to/two/too :-) We are grateful for life, thankful for a new year, and looking forward to a great semester! Hope to be blogging again sooner rather than later! Hey friends,
It's been a long time, and a poor job we've done of updating lately! Sorry about that. We'll do better in the coming months :) God's been doing great things on campus, and a very cool community of Christ-followers is continuing to come together! Please continue to pray- especially for a strong finish to the semester in these last few weeks! If you're on our list, you have or will receive the following letter. We hope you'll consider our ministry in your year-end giving! Below are FIVE cool options that would help. Take a look at head to nknavs.org/2015 to take action. Thanks friends, Love, Noah |
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