October/November 2012
- "...that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:9-10
- "..that our God may make you worthy of His calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
- Pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby as our second daughter is born at/around November 20th!
Mid-Summer 2012
Please pray as we prepare for the fall semester...coming this August!
Summer 2012
We're beginning the summer by directing a regional Navigator Summer Training Program. You can find more info about Spring Hill STP here.
Please pray for Spring Hill!
Spring Semester 2012
1) Please pray open doors for us and our students to share the gospel with people who don't know Christ. Pray that we would boldly walk through those doors.
2) Pray for Spring Hill STP and our spring retreat. Pray that we'd be sensitive to God's leading in the planning and executing. Pray that God would draw students to these events, and that they would be open and responsive to the things He teaches them. 3) Please pray that our older students would take steps of initiative, faith, and leadership more and more. Pray Colossians 1:9-12 for them and for us. September 2011
1) Pray for God to solidify our community in love as many new students
join, encouraging Nav students and offering a powerful testimony (John 13:34-35) to the lost students around us.
2) Pray for God's Word to exercise it's power (Isaiah 55:10-11, Hebrews 4:12) in our students as they discover it for themselves this semester. 3) Pray for strong connections between Nav students and their non-believing friends. Pray for open doors for the gospel to be shared. Pray that seeds planted in my conversation with Victoria would take root. |
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Find past prayer requests here.
Fall Launch 2011
(2) Pray for Quad Day. This is our main source of new contacts at the beginning of the year. We're specifically looking to connect with Christian freshmen who are looking for a ministry. Pray that God will bring many who will be excited about our vision of knowing Christ and making Him known.
(3) Pray for energy and wisdom for Katie and I (and Ellie too!) We need the Lord to sustain us through the long days of planning and meeting many students. In fact, please pray that we'd remember names extraordinarily well!
Summer 2011
(2) Pray for God's preparation of new freshmen to minister to in the fall. Thousands of freshmen will be arriving on campus in a couple months. Pray that God would prepare their hearts to be open to His work, and that He would prepare some (many!) of them to connect and grow with The Navs in August.
(3) Pray for wisdom and refreshment for us as we plan and prepare for the fall semester. The slower pace of the summer allows us time for this.
(4) Pray that students would come to Jesus and find healing and wholeness, especially in their sexual brokenness. Read more here.
(4) Pray for Ellie's continued health and growth and wisdom for us as we learn to be parents.
Spring Semester 2011
(2) Please pray for open doors (Colossians 4:3) to share the Gospel with those who don't know Jesus. Pray for the courage to walk through those doors.
(3) Pray for Katie and I as we prepare for the arrival of our baby: for safe pregnancy and delivery, and wisdom, energy, and patience in all the new changes that are to come.
Fall Launch 2010
(2) Pray for the start-up of small group Bible studies, that God would bring us more students hungry for God's Word.
(3) Please pray for the freshmen and other new students who have arrived. Pray that, according to His will, God would bring us students who need the Gospel, both those who currently know Him and those who don't. We're praying this year for many Investigative Bible Discussions (IBDs) to start this semester on campus, bring Jesus and His message to those who don't know Him.
Late Summer 2010
(2) Pray for our returning students, that they return to campus in three weeks hungry to continue to live for Jesus and be ambassadors for Him.
(3) Please pray for the freshmen and other new students who will be arriving on campus soon. Pray that, according to His will, God would bring us students who need the Gospel, both those who currently know Him and those who don't.
Summer 2010
(1) Investing in the students that are in Champaign for the summer. We are meeting one-on-one with students as we are able and leading a summer Bible Study for everyone who is around.
(2) Preparing for the fall semester. Our staff team is going from 7 full-time staff last year to 4 full time staff and 1 associate staff. This will leave a huge gap as we minister on campus. We are looking to be prayerfully preparing for the fall and seeking the Lord's wisdom in this!
(3) Continuing with the staff-in-training curriculum we are working through with our trainers. Now is a great time to spend some extra time on our training curriculum!
(4) Raising additional financial support. Some supporters have had to decrease their giving due to lack of employment and we want to trust the Lord to be fully-funded by August 15.
May 2010
At this point, Spring Hill is our major prayer request as we will be focusing entirely on that program for the next month.
April 2010
/1/ God has answered your prayers. We are seeing continued open doors to interact with students who don't know Christ, many who are investigating Christianity for themselves. This is very exciting!
/2/ Our men's and women's retreats were great successes. The feedback we received was very gracious, and the students indicated they learned much and were challenged greatly.
Prayer Requests
/1/ Please pray for wisdom for our students as they pursue options regarding the upcoming summer. This is a source of anxiety for many of them.
/2/ Pray for Spring Hill. SH is a regional Navigator summer training program May 16-June 6 in southwestern Indiana that we'll be staffing. We're praying that a few more students will apply to fill the program up. Pray for our preparation in the upcoming couple months. You can learn more about the program here.
/3/ Please pray for students who are investigating Jesus through Investigative Bible Discussions (IBDs). We're praying that God will continue to draw these students to a saving faith.
Past Requests/Praises
Jan/Feb 2010
/1/ During the last month we have been encouraged by seeing many of our relatives, supporters and friends and refreshed by our time to catch up on administrative tasks, spend time with the Lord, and prepare for the upcoming semester.
/2/ We are much more comfortable with campus, the students here and our role on campus so we are thankful to feel better prepared for this semester than we did in the fall!
Prayer Requests
/1/ Please be praying for us and our students as we get back into the swing of things. Pray that we are equipped to lead and that our students are eager to learn and grow.
/2/ Women’s Retreat :: February 5-6 // Men’s Retreat :: February 19-20
We have much of the responsibility in planning these retreats. Please pray for wisdom and diligence as we prepare. Pray also for our students to come and bring friends!
/3/ Pray for our relationship with students who have yet to know Christ (both those that we are already meeting with and those that we hope to get to know better this semester!)
--Christmas 2009
-Praise God for a great semester!
Quad day has come and gone. We have received many new contacts and are devoting much of our time in the next week following up these contacts. Will you please pray for us as we do this? It is very exhausting work for a variety of reasons..
--the dorms are all locked so you have to get someone to let you into the dorm or call someone who is willing to come and let you in
-- once in the dorm you have to hope that the students are around (at this time of year freshman are doing pretty much anything but sitting around in their rooms)
--then you have to attempt a meaningful conversation with a student while standing in the hallway of a loud dorm with roommates and friends all around
We are really praying that out of all of this God will bring some students for both Noah and I to meet with, invest in, and draw closer to Jesus. We know God can do this and we are just watching and waiting hoping that He will.
-As you can imagine, this time of year is really exhausting. We spent over 15 hours each on campus and with students over the weekend and have a busy week ahead. Please keep praying that we will look to the Lord for our strength and energy and that we will be wise in the way we spend our time!
-Kickoff- It's almost here! Plans are being made. We're gearing up for 8,000+ freshmen to arrive on campus! Would you please pray that God would bring us into contact with many: those who don't know Christ but are open, and those who do and are excited to grow and help others do the same.
-Six-Pack- Katie and I will be focusing on the "Six-Pack", a largely freshmen area of dorms on the west side of campus. Please pray that God would give us favor in the eyes of the students and RAs, and that we'd make many contacts with students who want to grow in their walk with Christ.
-Funding- We are currently at 86% of our fundraising goal. We are so thankful for all of the people that are partnering with us financially especially during these difficult economic times. Will you pray that we will be fully funded by August 22 (a month from today) so we can be on campus full-time when the school year starts?
-Fall Planning- We are feeling overwhelmed with all of the preparations for the fall. There is so much to do. Please pray that we will be wise stewards of our time and energy.
-PRAISE GOD that our fellow staff Katie Hubbard has completed chemo and is feeling much better! It is wonderful to have her back with us and feeling much more like herself.
-Praise God for a successful transition to our new city and campus.
-Pray for fellow staff Katie Hubbard as she finishes her chemo treatments. You can keep updated here her here.
-Join us in praying that God will move mightily in our ministry leading up to the upcoming fall semester:
--->Pray that God will connect us with many incoming freshmen who need Jesus and training as a disciple.
--->Pray for our current students to have strong summers of growth. Pray the same for us and the other staff.
-Praise God for sustaining us over the past couple months in our travels. Pray for continued patience and endurance as we move March 31st!
-Pray for us to receive recurring support for 100% of our new "Illinois budget." We're currently at 82%.
-Praise God for all the people we've been able to share our vision and need with. We've been very encouraged.
-Praise God for the energy He's given us; and pray for endurance as we look to the next three weeks.
-Praise God for all the people who have given to help with our moving expenses.
-Pray for us to be at full budget by March 31st. We're currently at 75%.
Praise God that He's provided us with a place to live!
As Katie and I head into our transition, we'd appreciate your prayers for us, and the students we've been working with at UWEC.
- Praise God for Katie's great student teaching experience!
- Pray that God would guide our time of support raising (Jan-March?) and that we would trust Him as our Provider in the details of moving; eg. finding a place to live, getting out of our lease, timing in our move.
- Pray Ephesians 1:16-21 for the students we've been working with. Pray that they would walk steadily in their faith over winter break, and be ready to return to campus for another semester of learning and growth.
- Pray that God would prepare our hearts for our move to Illinois, and the hearts of students He'll bring us into contact with.
--12/21/08: Praise God for His faithfulness in using us to advance His Kingdom at UWEC, and for His impact on our lives as a result!
--11/4/08: Praise God for leading David (a student we met playing croquet during move-in weekend) (and others as well) to a saving faith in Christ!
-- 10/15/08: Praise God for a wonderful Fall Conference, and for impacting the lives of many students.
-- Praise God for His provision in our support budget!
-- Praise God that He is raising up a generation of faithful students who love Him. Ask Him to raise up even more!