I'll make this quick. Ellie is doing great, very healthy, happy and sweet as can be! She loves her sleep, she loves her thumb, she loves to giggle for daddy when he throws her around, and she is adorable when Mama tickles her face with her hair. Precious!!
She is now 18lbs 5 oz and 27 inches long! She has grown 2.5 lbs and 2 inches in the last 2 months! She continues to be in the 90th percentile all around :) {I had a feeling she had thinned out a bit in the last bit... getting longer and gaining weight less rapidly than before}
She doesn't seem too motivated to roll over- when she gets tired of tummy time she just puts her head down and sucks her thumb. That is very fitting with her very calm nature :) We love her so, so much!!