We went in to be induced on April 25th. For the 6-8 weeks prior the doctor was quite confident that Ellie was head down. I had been dilated for a few weeks and the doctor was surprised she hadn't dropped yet....
We arrived at the hospital Monday morning and I told my mom "I feel way too good to be having a baby today." After getting hooked up to the IV and starting the pitocin, everything seemed to be going very smoothly! They hooked me up to the fetal monitor and apparently I was having pretty strong contractions (although I hadn't known I was having them.) They broke my water and labor was progressing very well.
.... Until my doctor decided to check me one more time and then bring in the ultrasound machine. To all of our surprise Ellie was breech! Butt down and feet squished right up by her head.....
They quickly unhooked me from the pitocin and started explaining the process of a c-section. Since I had eaten toast for breakfast they wanted to wait a few hours until I went back for surgery. So the next few hours were spent waiting for surgery. It was an odd feeling... I had never even worn a hospital gown until that morning, and then I found myself preparing for surgery!
Mid-morning they gave me medicine to slow down my contractions since labor was progressing more than they would have liked. This was the worst part as it felt like they injected me with a dose of "antsy-ness." I could hardly sit still!!! I was so hungry (I hadn't drank anything in the morning, because I knew I would probably get ice water as soon as I got settled), I was nervous. I was watching the clock just waiting, and I was super antsy!!
Thankfully the surgery before me went long and in the 20 minutes before my c-section, I was able to fall asleep for a few minutes! It was totally the Lord's grace!
I went back for surgery at 12:58 and Ellie Marie arrived at 1:22 pm! We are so grateful for good doctors, a great hospital, and most importantly a healthy, beautiful baby.
Apparently c-sections are the thing this spring (two friends of ours have had them unexpectedly after long difficult labors... I can't imagine that recovery!) And I asked my nurse on Wednesday night when we were in the hospital how many babies were on the floor. She said they had 16 babies and 14 of them were delivered c-section!! They only schedule a maximum of 3 per day so that means there were at least 5 unexpected c-section in the three days we were in the hospital! Good to know we're not alone I guess :)
Recovery has been pretty good all things considered. I'm incredibly grateful for my mom's help and for Noah's patience as he waits on Ellie and me. (As well as many friends bringing us meals and offering their help!)