On our way there Noah and I were laughing about how much stuff we had to bring! It's like on Jon & Katie plus 8 (Which I'm sure none of you have ever watched) but they often talk about all the things they had to bring for one meal or one day trip for a family of 10.O) Well for us it was 1 cooler, 5 bottles of pop, 4 cakes, 4 bags of chips, 2 gallons ice cream, 50 cups, 50 plates, 1 drum, 3 boxes of Nav stuff, 2 banners, 1 drum, 2 backpacks, oh yeah AND US! :)
Well at the end of the night it started to DOWNPOUR and all of that stuff got loaded up in the rain. :) To top it off we learned the disadvantage of living in a FLAT place. All of the rain caused the streets to flood-- and long story short it took us just under an HOUR to drive 2 miles to get home! All of the streets were blocked off because they were flooded, cars were stuck everywhere, police cars were blocking roads off, etc. We tried many different ways to get home but they all were blocked. Eventually, the rain stopped and we finally made it home.
Quite the adventure! :)